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Sunday, January 13, 2008
Facilitator's Question

What are the consideration factors to upgrade from manual systems to fully automated systems?

The consideration factors will be our budget, cost to change from manual systems to fully automated systems. This two points are necessary is because if you dont have the money you wont be able to upgrade to a fully automated systems.
The other consideration factors will be throughput level and the space of our warehouse. If the throughput level is low it may not be sensible to change into a fully automated systems as high cost will be incurred. There is also a space constraint, if space doesnt allow you to change to fully automated, you wont be able to do so.
Considerations such as opportunity cost also need to be considered as it ties up capital as investment cost for automated systems are high. The goods you handle also determine the way you handle your items, your goods may not suit fully automated systems.
By using fully automated systems, less labours are also used and skilled labours are needed to handle the machines.
The layout of the warehouse, factors like floor space, ceiling height and structural obstruction may not allow us to change into automated systems.

link | posted by <$T03$> at 7:46 AM


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