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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Material Handling

Material handling is the science of movement, handling and storage of material during transportation. It is a primary activity in all industries and involves numerous people and specialized material handling equipment.

Objectives of Material Handling Equipment

It is to prevent damages, to ensure that the goods are in good condition from the point of receiving to shipping so that good can be delivered to customers on-time.
It also improves productivity by making use of material handling equipment. Allowing labor to learn new technology and increase efficiency in moving more goods at a greater distance.

If one sees long queues at supply and dispatch areas or if one receives goods in a damaged condition or at a date much later than the expected date of delivery, it’s definitely a case of bad material handling.

Two main factors that affect material handling are related to engineering and economics.
The nature of the material to be handled and the material handling equipment are the factors related to engineering.
The cost of handling the material and the equipment used are related to economics.

During the last few decades, handling of material has become highly automated. Computers are being widely used to systematize material handling.

Material handling is considered an important activity along all the links of the supply chain, which include production, distribution, storage and retail. Minimizing the complexity of handling operations can increase productivity and cut costs.

Material handling equipment
It is equipment that is specifically designed for mechanically handling packaged or bulky items, generally in a production, shipping or storage facility. Selecting the right material handling equipment is vital, as it affects the operating cost and operational efficiency of a factory. The material to be handled, the plant building, and the issues of urgency and safety are a few factors that affect the decision on selecting the right material handling equipment.

The material handling equipments can be classified into:
  • Information-Directed System
  • Automated handling
  • Semi-automated handling
  • Mechanised system

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