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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Information-Directed Systems

There are 4 types of material handling system:

It is the combination of using automated handling syetm and mechanised system. Let's dicuss one of the method which uses information- directed system.

RF (radio- frequency)

Wirelessly transmitting data can provide tremendous time and cost savings.
RF is the wireless transmission of data by digital radio signals at a particular frequency. It maintains a two-way, online radio connection between a mobile terminal and the host computer. The end result is a seamless flow of information to and from the host, allowing workers to go wherever they need to go to get their job done without fear of being out of touch wiith the data they need.

A basic RF system consists of up to three components:
• A mobile RF terminal;
• A base station (sender/receiver); and
• A network controller.

How RF is used in Warehouses and Distribution Centers

Shipping and receiving

When goods arrive at receiving area, the bar code on the pallet is scanned and the data is sent to the host computer. At the same time, the amount of goods received can be compared with the amount ordered so as to determine if there is any disparity. Immediate actions can be taken if goods received are different from the order or are damaged. The goods are therefore quickly processed and sent along to their destination, be it the warehouse, production department or shipping/staging area.

Internal transport
Goods do not remain stationary when instructions are sent wirelessly direct to the mobile terminal. Forklift truck operators need not have to go somewhere specific to get their instructions; rather, the instructions come to them, saving time, eliminating deadhead trips and making more productive use of personnel and materials. Also, a RF system allows stock retrieval and replenishment to be combined, significantly reducing the number of movements involved in the internal transport of material.

Stock and location management
The moment palletized goods are put away, forklift operators can use their computer to notify the host system of their location and that they are ready for another job. This allows warehouse space and workers' time to be used in a more efficient manner as they had reduced unneccessary movements.

Order picking
RF supports all possible order picking principles: individual selection, batch selection or
splits between articles and packaging. Picking information is received by the terminal,
and inquiries and transaction/activity data are sent from the terminal to the host. Once the order is picked, a forklift truck operator can then be given delivery instructions from a warehouse management system (WMS) via RF. This enables the Warehouse Management System to continually recalculate the most efficient pick/putaway routes and order assignments.

Stock control
Using RF for stock control offers huge savings in time and money. As all events are
recorded in real time, the computer is constantly aware of the current inventory. This
high level of monitoring makes separate cycle counting unnecessary. Many
companies reduce the number of formal inventory counts they conduct each year, and in
some cases eliminate them altogether because the RF system provides accurate, real-time
inventory information.

Stock replenishment
Each time stock is removed, the transaction is recorded by the mobile terminal and sent to
the host. When stock reaches minimum, the system would alert a supervisor or automatically generate a replenishment request. When bulk stock reaches
order level, a purchase order is automatically created and an order placed. Reordering is
instantaneous; stocks can be kept low, therefore reducing inventory costs.

The RF advantage

Reducing the number of cables over the warehouse-Cable is expensive, less flexible than RF coverage and is prone to damage.

Accessibility is a key benefit- Data is easily accessible to workers when they are within range of the system. Therefore, they will not be out of touch of information.

RF also include a significant improvement in order accuracy (>99%), the elimination of paperwork (which could be prone to loss of data), prompt response times and improved service levels.

link | posted by <$T03$> at 9:48 PM


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